Saturday, September 13, 2008

Do You Want Free Pizza?

Well now you can eat a free lunch every week until November. As part of the Daily Trojan’s “Talk Back 2008,” students can join panelists from the Barack Obama and John McCain campaigns while they answer questions about election issues.

The talk back is every Wednesday from 1 p.m to 2 p.m. Look in the Daily Trojan for location information. Free lunch is provided.

Campaign Analysts from Students for Barack Obama and Students for John McCain will be discussing their candidate’s views on certain issues as well as taking questions from fellow students attending. Voter registration cards are also available. Last week, the analysts discussed students concerns about foreign policy, the military draft and national security.

The panel above also featured a Daily Trojan reporter (middle) and an LA Time’s (right) reporter who discussed reporting on the election. Students questioned them on campaign language and propaganda.

Remember these talk backs will happen every Wednesday. So if you have lingering questions hindering you from making an informed decision get them answered!


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