Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Time for 'Change'

You can add to your partisan wardrobe while supporting the non-partisan Rock the Vote initiative.  This hadbag, created by Alexis Hudson designers Rachelle Copeland and Emily Ironi, along with LA artist Greg Miller, represents a wish for change in the upcoming election.

As both fashion and political statement, "the 'Change' bag is designed for everyone who believes in hope, change and our political system.  It's a statement bag," explains Copeland.  Made of black nylon and setting you wallet back only $95, the bag includes an array of Democratic and Republican-themed items like notecards, scarves and a pair of slipper-shoes.

"I strongly believe at this time in our country the relationship of art and fashion can come together as a visual for raising the political awareness of the public," says Miller.

Order yours here.

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