- 15 second ad in the beginning
- volume
- time code
- offers embed code
- you can share through a host of social networking sites: e-mail, facebook, delicious, mixx, digg, reddit, stumbleupon, myspace
- double click for full screen
- other links below and next to this video for other stories
- date
- white background with gray outlines
From Online Outlet: Slate
- has a menu that pops up: e-mail, get link, get code, blog this, rss feed, info
- at the bottom of the screen, quick links: e-mail, get link, get code
- underneath: a one-sentence explanation of the video
- social networking site links: furl, mag.nolia, sphere, stumbleupon, myspace, digg , mixx, myspace, facebook, reddit, delicious
- dark gray background, white font
- tab at the top labeling video as "News & Politics"
From Newspaper: Los Angeles Times
- light gray background, dark gray font
- top tab labels video with subdeck: "Palin fields questions about war, economy"
- at the bottom: links to Summary, Share, Closed Caption, Help, Full-screen icon
- time code
- on the right side: advertisement
Viral Video: Funnyordie.com
See more Gina Gershon videos at Funny or Die
- black background with white font
- cursor rollover, play button with words "Gina Gershon Strips Down... Sarah Palin Answers Her Critics"
- play button
- time code
- # of views
- Share button: link or embed, facebook, delicious, digg, stumbleupon
- underneath video: expanded options of Share, Favorite, Playlist, Report
- below those options, are comments
Hard News from CNN: Sarah Palin vs. Joe Biden
- 30 second ad in the beginning
- volume
- time code
- offers embed code
- you can share through a host of social networking sites: e-mail, facebook, delicious, mixx, digg, reddit, stumbleupon, myspace
- double click for full screen
- other links below and next to this video for other stories
- date
- white background with gray outlines
Conclusion: I actually really liked the Slate.com video layout, which offered a variety of options. The menu really added to the navigation of the video as well. CNN's videos were also well laid out with its clear white background and labels. All of the videos were about two minutes long.
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