Tuesday, November 11, 2008

UGC exercise

Photos -- Iraq War:
Caption: Over 16 years ago, I enlisted in the United States Army. I usually joke that I did it because I was young and needed the money. The truth is I wanted to put myself through college, and I thought I could earn the money with the help of the GI Bill. I joined shortly after the first Gulf War. Having watched the whole war on CNN, I figured this was an easy way to make some money for school. Not only was I young and poor, but I was also naive.

Twenty-six months in Iraq and another five months in Bosnia has disabused me of that naivete. I am not a war hawk by any means. I have lost friends and understand the cost of using military force. I know the world is filled with wonderful caring people; I also know the world is filled with evil. As long as the latter exists, we will always need men and women to stand up and volunteer their lives by declaring that "this we'll defend."

Especially in view of the election just held, I ask you take a moment to think about the sacrifices made by all the men and women that defend our interests on our behalf. While I am partial to the men and women in the uniformed military service, I also ask you to expand you definition of veteran to include all who work to defend us. From the Sailors, Soldiers, Airmen, Coast Guardsmen, and Marines to police officers and firefighters. Think also of the countless civilians that work for NGOs around the world. Take a moment to acknowledge the work of people like the medical staffs that work for Doctors without Borders, Greenpeace, Amnesty International, the International Red Cross/Crescent, and many other such organizations. Don't forget the journalists that face grave personal injury in order to cover these stories and shed some light on the ugly side of human behavior.

This is Veterans Day, and I am a veteran. I ask you not to think of my tiny contribution, for it was tiny! I do ask that you think of those that make a great sacrifice for the rest of us.

User: Mischief 1972
Link: http://flickr.com/photos/mischief1972/3024147454/
Additional Info: Taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi on November 11,2008
Why: This is relevant because it is a self-portrait of a veteran on veteran day. A news organization might want to highlight individual soldiers/veterans that served in Iraq and this would work as USG.


User: DrewMyers
Caption: Senator Obama looking very presidential at the Leesburg, VA campaign rally this evening where he drew a crowd estimated at over 35,000.
Link: http://flickr.com/photos/drewmyers/2966158738/
Additional Info: Taken "About 90 feet with my telephoto lens at 300mm. Also this is a crop including about 2/3 of the original frame."
Why: This is a good USG shot of Obama speaking at a rally in the user's hometown.

Prop 8:
User: Digital Trav (the link at the bottom of the photo is his website)
Caption: Mormons against Prop 8
Link: http://flickr.com/photos/digitaltrav/2997907697/
Why: Illustrates that some Mormons are against Prop 8, something maybe you would not expect.

Videos -- Iraq:

User: gnukev
Caption: "I recorded this song because I'm tired of hearing the Bush Administration and other conservatives trying to obscure the similarities between the failed policies of the wars in Vietnam and Iraq: In Vietnam, we prolonged a civil war.
In Iraq, we've stared one...."
Why: Shows how users use music and other creative ways in protest of the war, could be used in a piece about creative reactions to war, how population feels about war, etc.


User: EdfromFlorida
Caption: This is why I voted for Obama
Why: This is good USG because it is a personal testimony as to why this man voted for Obama.

Prop 8:

User: supericky06
Prop 8 Protest in Hollywood
Good USG reporting of the protest with good camera shots and natural sound


Barack Obama: We just made history. All of this happened because you gave your time, talent and passion. All of this happened because of you. Thanks 11:34 AM Nov 5th from web

Britney Spears: Just left the Madonna concert. It was really fun! ~Brit 11:39 PM Nov 6th from mobile web

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