Tuesday, November 4, 2008

About that liberal media...

About that liberal media...

And getting liberal..er.  Brack Obama had a huge advantage in daily newspaper endorsements going into election day, surpassing McCain's endorsements by 170.  If you take into account the circulation numbers of those newspapers, Barack Obama had an even greater advantage, reaching 20,000 more people than his opponent.  He also had more magazine endorsements.

But if you look at the number of college newspaper editorial staffs that endorsed a candidate the slant is even more revealing: 91 college papers endorsed Barack Obama, only 2 endorsed John McCain.  That's according to uWire.

The disparity is so great it needs repeating: 91-2.  That's such a big difference it doesn't even warrant a pie graph.

The Daily Trojan is among the college papers that came out for the self-proclaimed candidate of hope.  Those are some pretty smart kids.

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