Wednesday, October 15, 2008


The student vote is expected to be larger than ever for this upcoming election, but for those youth votes, many of who are going to college out of state, the problem lies not in wanting to vote, but actually being allowed to vote.

Many resources are out there for students to vote on an absentee ballot, meaning that it does not matter where in the world the student is situated – where there is a will, there is a way and you can vote.

Below are online resources meant to help you, the out-of-state student, rock the vote for this historic election in November. Don’t let the copious amounts of information scattered around the Internet deter you from voting absentee.

Online Resources to Vote Absentee and to Register:

Go Vote Absentee

Introduction Video to the Founders of

If you are ALREADY REGISTERED to vote:

1. Type in your hometown zipcode
2. Click on the district you live in (call mom if you’re not sure; if this bubble doesn’t pop up then don’t worry!)
3. If you are already registered to vote click ‘Yes’ and your district’s appropriate absentee ballot will pop up
4. Print absentee ballot
5. Follow instructions to fill out the request form once form is printed
6. IMPORTANT: write your school address for where you want ballot sent
7. Click continue on the computer screen and a mailing address will appear. This is where you send the absentee ballot request form.

If you are NOT REGISTERED to vote:

1 comment:

Jackie said...


This is my resource page for where to register to vote online and how to vote absentee via the Internet as well.

I also included an imbedded video from the Go Vote Absentee website creators to make the blog more personal to students since the website resource was created for students by students... kinda cool.

I also imbedded two widgets - Register to Vote and Go Vote Absentee - to the right column of our blog.