Tuesday, October 7, 2008

LiveBlog Presidential Debate 2

Mudslinging is Alive and Well

According to dictionary.com, mudslinging is "an attempt to discredit one's competitor, opponent, etc., by malicious or scandalous attacks." Sound familiar?

Forget time limits, presidential nominees John McCain and Barack Obama took all the time they needed at the Presidential Debate in Nashville to add unnecessary jabs at each other. Here are a few comments that made jaws drop.

6:13 When responding to the economy crisis, Sen. McCain said, "The match that lit this fire was Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac...with the encouragement of Senator Obama and his cronies and his friends." Later Sen McCain said America must get rid of the cronies in Washington to restore the economy. Cronies=Sen. Obama?

6:37 Sen. McCain's take on Sen. Obama's tax cuts: "Nailing down obamas tax proposals is like nailing jello to the wall."

6:40 Sen. Obama replied: "Straight-talk express lost a wheel on that one."

6:50 McCain referred to Sen. Obama as "that one".

7:12 On foreign policy, Sen. McCain said: "Sen. Obama likes to talk loudly...remarkable"

7:15 0bama replied: "Sen. McCain suggests I'm green behind the ears...he sang 'bomb, bomb, bomb Iran'."

Photo Courtesy of Stephen Crowley/The New York Times

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